Friday, February 20, 2009

Muzium Sultan Alam Shah

Replika Istana Mahkota Klang

Satu hari yg berbahagia tu,tiba-tiba lak gian nak ambik gambar. Just read an article on how to improve your photo-taking skills. One of the golden rules is, to get out there and capture as many shots as posssible. By the way, you incur zero processing fee with digital cameras!

Sesampainya di sana, which is located besides Perpustakaan Negeri Selangor aku pun terus dgn objektif aku. Lagipun rasanya photo shoot kat muzium nie can be quite tricky due to low and different light sources. Luck is on my side too sebab dibenarkan tangkap gambar kat dalam tu.

Satu demi satu gambar yg aku rasa worth capturing diabadikan dlm memory card. Eventually, it turns out to be a memorable journey to the past. Melihat gambar-gambar Tunku Abdul Rahman sewaktu negara mengecap kemerdekaan, seolah-olah terngiang lantunan kalimah keramat...Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!

I admitted openly, I was kind of emotional at that very moment...Dgn keadaan yg ketika itu yg hening sebab aku sorang je masa tu, I really really wish I was among the crowd on that historical day...

Bila aku melangkah keluar dari situ, persepsi aku terhadap muzium yg aku rasa sebelum ni not in my itinerary mula berubah. Aku rasa ianya merupakan gedung ilmu in a class of its own.
Guess where I'm heading next time around...the National Museum!

More photos...

Thursday, February 19, 2009



Actually, lama dah nak tulis blog nie...seems like not doing so will make u feel ...eemmm...say...not up-to-date (big deal!). Tapi, mengambil langkah yg so-called positive-minded and after giving it a I am.. walaupun agak pecah kapla gak nak start. Hey! Gimme a break...its been quite a while since I wrote something more than 2 pages!

Selain nak build-up my writing skills, just wanna share my side of story about life...little little ordinary things yg mungkin pd kebanyakan kita take for granted.

Happy reading guys...Wassalam